NATO is a threat to Russia by stealth: Memory loss and Japan
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times
The Russian Federation seems to be seeking to contain the crisis concerning Ukraine and the Russian and non-ethnic Russian speakers of the Donbass (Donbas) region – and adjacent areas. However, NATO powers, despite being responsible for destabilizing Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya – taking Kosovo from Serbia after supporting the destruction of the former Yugoslavia – and laying the foundations for creating mayhem for all Sahel nations after the demise of Colonel Gadaffi in Libya: once more is in collective memory loss. Indeed, NATO powers are instrumental in arming the Saudi-led alliance (war in Yemen) and supporting proxy forces in northern Syria.
All this is swept under the NATO carpet – similar to Japan taking an anti-Russian Federation stance under Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. It matters not that NATO powers unleashed countless failed states from North Africa, the Sahel, and the Middle East and further afield to Afghanistan. Nor that these convulsions witnessed the majority of Christians fleeing Iraq, the enslavement of the Yazidis, horrendous sectarianism after al-Qaeda and ISIS entered the vacuum created by NATO powers in Iraq – and a host of other horrendous convulsions that continue to kill today.
Untold numbers were killed – and continue to die long after NATO leaves – by the intrigues of NATO powers. After this, NATO powers cut and run after leaving a shell behind. Therefore, vast numbers of refugees created by endless wars and mass immigration flowed naturally after failed economies materialized.
Now NATO powers are focused firstly on the Russian Federation in Europe and increasingly on China concerning the containment policies of America that are supported by Japan (a non-NATO nation that follows the footprints of America), the United Kingdom, and other allies of America. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said (concerning the Russian Federation), “We are seeing acts of war, attacks on civilians, and destruction not seen since World War II.”
Stoltenberg is somehow blighted by memory loss. This relates to NATO powers and its anti-Yugoslavia policies and taking Kosovo from Serbia – to endless brutal conflicts in Iraq, Libya, and so forth. Tens of millions have also been killed in wars that include Biafra, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Sudan, and many others. In many of these conflicts – similar to the ongoing conflict in Yemen – NATO powers are often involved in arming one side against another.
Stoltenberg, not content with his collective memory loss – shared equally by America, Japan, the United Kingdom, and others – claims the NATO moral high ground against the Russian Federation. This concerns the conflict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation: Moscow is supporting indigenous Russians – and non-ethnic Russian speakers who are pro-Moscow – who have been bombed by Ukraine since 2014.
Stoltenberg says, “We cannot be indifferent to this“ concerning NATO’s anti-Russian Federation stance and not seeking genuine dialogue before the conflict broke out on a larger scale.
Stoltenberg continues, “If Russia wins this war, he will have confirmation that violence works. Then other neighboring countries may be next.”
NATO powers gladly helped to dismantle Yugoslavia. Further down the line, they would involve themselves in a war that led to Kosovo being taken from Serbia (many nations don’t recognize the deeds of NATO). NATO Turkey also continues to occupy North Cyrpus and parts of Northern Syria – and bombs Kurds and Yazidis in Northern Iraq after NATO powers destabilized Iraq.
Voice of America reports, “Foreign ministers from the G-7 countries issued a statement late Wednesday saying they are looking at ways to “prevent Russia from profiting from its war of aggression and to curtail Russia’s ability to wage war.”
Yoshimasa Hayashi, the Foreign Minister of Japan, in a veiled threat to the Russian Federation, said, “Russia’s aggression needs to go down in history as a clear failure, otherwise it is inevitable that other countries will follow Russia and attempt to change the status quo by force.”
NATO and G7 nations are in collective memory loss – with Japan being opportunist concerning petty nationalism and the usual anti-China and anti-Russia mantra that dates back to the Meiji Period (1868-1912).
In past wars, America used nuclear weapons and Agent Orange. Other military methods in recent times have been used. For example, supporting sectarianism against Syria. America also supported countless proxies from the Contras in Nicaragua to too many to mention. Therefore, it matters not if people are pro or anti-Russian Federation: however, for NATO and G7 nations to claim the moral high ground is nauseating concerning the huge trail of death on several continents.
Honest brokers are needed to resolve countless ongoing conflicts. Yet, don’t expect NATO and G7 nations to be honest brokers because untold millions have died concerning their involvement in countless wars.
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